2014 – my peak year?
I usually write a reflective-ish post at the end of the year. Last year I wrote a bullet-point list, so I'm gonna do that again. Not definitive, but a little something.
In 2014 I...
- Went in with a bang and came out with a flop.
- Worked for one of my biggest role models.
- Day dreamed more than ever.
- Deleted Tinder and kissed my 1,600 matches goodbye. Whatever, I only ever met four of them.
- Continued to be shameless with selfies.
- Was that guy making out in the movie theatre [after the movie… with the lights on].
- Learned I love being behind a camera and thinking in frames.
- Saw others get what I thought I deserved.
- Used >_< and O_o way too often even though I don't really know what they mean.
- Was more outspoken about being geeeeeyyyyyyyy and stopped hiding.
- Wore that red cardigan too much.
- Realized maybe I'm not as stupid as I thought I was.
- Turned in my Master's project.
- Finalized my group of boos.
- Confessed my like for my crushes. Got shot down by both.
- Wrote some good sh*t I'm proud of.
- Wondered multiple times if J-School was worth it. TBD.
- Wanted to reach out to old friends. Never did.
- Moved out of the city I love.
- "Haaaattteeeddddd" attention.
- Tried CrossFit, liked it, but was unable to commit fully (time, money…)
- Gave a speech at graduation and didn't become a YouTube fail.
- Was told "You're a great guy, but…" after a few dates. Twice.
- Wondered if, even under my kindness, there's a piece of me that's heartless.
- Said "goodbye" too often and "hi" not enough.
- Found out the first boy I ever dated is married. Wasn't entirely heartbroken.
- Made a big mistake and continue to wait for the lesson it will teach me.
- Saw my best friend get married and thought, "Oh, that's what I'm holding out for."
- Took a big chance. Watched it backfire.
- Decided to take a break from adventuring and seek stability.
- Longed to read some good book. Didn't.
- Met people who reminded me the world can be great.
- Confirmed I'm an East Coast guy, not a West Coast one.
- Learned I can't make everybody happy. Still tried.
- Was more self-conscious than ever.
- Highs and lows, I lived my damn life and that's something not to regret.